Choosing Elder Care

Choosing The Right Adult Day Care Program

Adult day care, also called senior daycare, is an option for a growing number of people. While adult day care is a relatively new service in most areas, it fills a valuable middle ground for adults who need some supervision and social activity during the day, but who are not ill enough to need constant medical attention.

Why choose adult day care?

There are many reasons families are choosing adult day care centers for senior adults, but studies show an increasing number of families are choosing this option out of necessity. In today’s economy, younger adults have to work long hours simply to keep their jobs, leaving caregivers little time to attend to loved ones during the day. If Mom or Dad is living with adult children, they are also likely living with grandchildren, leaving the caregiving generation sandwiched by responsibilities. With no one at home to take care of the senior’s needs during the day, younger adults worry about everyone’s safety. Adult daycare centers can alleviate some of this worry.
Day cares are set up to provide assistance with the activities of daily living, including waking, body care, eating and often medication management that does not require a licensed nurse. This distinguishes these care facilities from Senior Centers, which provide social opportunities, but do not have the staff to assist individuals with personal care.
Adult day care centers also provide respite opportunities for at-home caregivers. With Mom or Dad in the safety of a licensed day care, caregivers can enjoy time to recharge their own batteries.
Many senior adult day care centers also offer support and education for caregivers, providing assistance with coping skills.